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Week 7: Mon 4 Sep & Thur 7 Sep

Internship Log Book

This week I began working on October graphic content for Dog Rocks. I used this opportunity to trust my creative ideas and I felt more confident using techniques in Photoshop and After Effects that I’ve learned over the last few weeks.

This space-themed post was most enjoyable to make. The creative brief was:

“Background in-creative copy: DOG ROCKS. Have a bag of dog rocks with a couple of rocks and stars in the air representing 'space'.”

Dog Rocks, Instagram Post, First draft (unused)

During the end of day review however, my supervisor explained that the client wouldn’t like something this heavily “graphic” and suggested changes.

Dog Rocks, Instagram Post, Final

I was disappointed by the feedback but realised I had been approaching this content for Dog Rocks in a similar way to Macy and Tailor. They are, however, a different client with different styles that I needed to understand and interpret. Next time I begin working on content for a new client, I will begin first with figuring out what style the client likes.


Hours complete: 115